Please read this post completely to get the tips for getting a university rank in Anna University. I have studied at RMD Engineering College (2011-2015) which is one of the Anna university affiliated colleges.
I love my college for many reasons. I am going to share a few things that I had followed during my college time which helped me to get a university rank (University 12th rank).
When I joined the college in August 2011, I didn’t have much knowledge about engineering course, but I was keen to achieve a university rank.
It’s a marathon of 4 years. You need to do well in all the eight semesters to get a university rank. If you have done exceptionally well in only one semester, then you can’t get a university rank. You have to do well in all the eight semesters consistently.
Many students take practical exams as granted. Students shouldn’t take practical exams as granted because that gives more exposure to the practical knowledge that is more important once you start working in industry.
How to prepare for semester exam?
- Try to learn from the basics.
- Try to prefer Foreign author books rather than local authors books.
- Try to study for enhancing your knowledge rather than getting marks.
- Try to work out the problems
- Try to discuss your queries with your staffs and friends regarding the topics.
- Learn every day.
How to attend semester exams?
- There are two sections 2 marks and 16 marks for each paper when I was doing my engineering.
- Now, the pattern has got changed with three sections 2 marks, 13 marks, and 15 marks.
- Try to attend all the 2 marks even if you don’t know the answer correctly.
- Try to allocate 4 sides of paper for each 13 mark question and 5 sides for 15 marks question.
- Try to write with examples for 13 and 15 mark questions.
- Try to highlight the important keywords for 13 and 15 mark questions.
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