JavaScript Course in Tamil

Are you interested in learning JavaScript language? Apply for JavaScript course in Tamil and become an expert in JavaScript.

தமிழில் JavaScript கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள்

Javascript has become one of the major programming languages in the field of website programming and development. Most of the websites that are created nowadays use the concept of JavaScript for making the website pages interactive and allowing the web pages to update continuously without refreshing each and every time. Because of its nature, it has become one of the most essential programming languages in the field of software development and website development. With the increase in the number of websites, the requirement for this job is also increasing day by day. Along with website development, this JavaScript concept is also used for developing interactive games in online portals. Like websites, the gaming industry is also one of the fastest-growing industries that require a lot of developers with imaginations. 

Despite its requirement and usefulness most of the people would not have learned this programming language due to their lack of time and low knowledge in English. But not anymore. This Javascript course is now available in Tamil. So anyone can start learning this course despite their knowledge in programming languages. The tutorials are in the form of videos and they can be played at any time. Once subscribed you will be granted access to all these videos and these videos can be played at any time and learned. There are no restrictions on learning, and you can also watch as many videos as you want. This allows you to learn this course during your free time and also practically work them out while watching. The course is divided into a basic level, intermediate level, and high-level course. The basic level course is available for free and after watching the videos of the basic level course you can subscribe for the intermediate and high-level courses if you are interested. 

What Topic/Skills you will learn in this course?

This course is available in the form of videos and tutorials. This course is available on three different levels including basic, intermediate, and high levels. These video tutorials are designed in such a way that anyone can subscribe and attend this course despite their knowledge in programming. Javascript is a client-based programming language and it is used for creating interactive web pages and online games. The basic level JavaScript course contains a detailed explanation of the fundamentals and history of JavaScript. The paid version otherwise known as the intermediate and high level of the JavaScript course contains other important parts like coding, forming syntax, and creating other parts of the script to complete the design of interactive web pages. Learning this course will allow you to understand completely about the concept of JavaScript and also how web pages are created with the help of JavaScript HTML and CSS programming languages. 

What will you learn in this course?

This course offers various subtopics within the concept of JavaScript like learning syntax, the concept of arrays, statements, creating loops, creating and maintaining DOM’s, learning about the placement and operators in Javascript and finally also about everything that is required to create an interactive webpage. This is a practical course so along with learning about the concept of JavaScript the users can also work on the concepts in the computer side by side and learn the programming language in detail. This course is also suitable for people who do not have any knowledge of programming languages. 

This course will teach you how to create an interactive website and interactive games. At the end of this course, you will be completely ready to create an interactive website of your own. This course will also help you get ready for the software world and work on company projects immediately. 

What you get in this course?

  • 15+ Hours JavaScript Course Videos in Tamil.
  • No advertisement.
  • 1 Year Access

Course Content

  • Introduction to Java Script
  • JavaScript Syntax
  • JavaScript Placements
  • JavaScript Comments | JS Single Line Comment | JS Multi Line Comments
  • JavaScript Variables | JS Variable Rules
  • JavaScript DataTypes | JS Primitive & Non Primitive DataTypes
  • JavaScript Type Conversion | JS Implicit Explicit Type Conversion
  • JavaScript Operators Basics
  • JavaScript Arithmetic Operators
  • JavaScript Comparison Operators
  • JavaScript Assignment Operators
  • JavaScript Logical Operators
  • JavaScript Bitwise Operators
  • JavaScript Ternary Operator
  • JavaScript Interactions Basics
  • JavaScript Alert Box
  • JavaScript Confirm Box
  • JavaScript Prompt Box
  • JavaScript Conditional Statement Basics
  • JavaScript If Statement
  • JavaScript If else Statement
  • JavaScript Swith Statement
  • JavaScript Loop Basics
  • JavaScript For Loop
  • JavaScript While Loop
  • JavaScript Do While Loop
  • JavaScript Multiplication Program Using For Loop
  • JavaScript Loop Control Statemens
  • JavaScript Break Control Statement
  • JavaScript Continue Control Statement
  • JavaScript Object
  • JavaScript Object Part – 2
  • JavaScript Object Advanced Concepts Part – 3
  • JavaScript String
  • JavaScript String Methods
  • JavaScript Arrays Part – 1in Tamil
  • JavaScript Arrays Manipulation Methods Part – 2
  • JavaScript Arrays Manipulation Methods Part – 3
  • JavaScript Numbers Part – 1
  • JavaScript Numbers Part – 2
  • JavaScript Math Object & Functions
  • JavaScript Date Object & Functions
  • JavaScript Strict Mode
  • JavaScript Const and Let Keywords
  • JavaScript this Keyword
  • JavaScript Regular Expression
  • JavaScript Functions
  • JavaScript Functions Parameters
  • JavaScript Functions Parameters
  • JavaScript Browser Object Model (BOM)
  • JavaScript History Object
  • JavaScript Windows Navigator
  • JavaScript Document Object Model
  • JavaScript Document Object Model Part-2
  • JavaScript Document Object Model Tag Part-3
  • JavaScript Doucment Object Model Methods Part-4
  • JavaScript DOM Property Inner HTML
  • JavaScript DOM Property Inner Text
  • JavaScript DOM Query Selector
  • JavaScript DOM Query Selector All
  • JavaScript DOM Manipulation Methods Part-1
  • JavaScript DOM Manipulation Methods Part-2
  • JavaScript DOM Manipulation Methods Part-3
  • JavaScript Form Validation
  • JavaScript Email Validation
  • JavaScript Form Examples
  • JavaScript Form Validation
  • JavaScript Mouse Events
  • JavaScript Form Events
  • JavaScript Window Keyboard Events
  • JavaScript Event Listner
  • JavaScript Cookie Introduction
  • JavaScript Cookie Manipulation
  • JavaScript Cookies, Session, Local Storage
  • JavaScript Storage Methods

Our Basic JavaScript Course (6 Hours) in Tamil is Free on YouTube

What are available in the Free course?

Even though the entire course is not available as a free subscription the basic part of the course is available as a free subscription and for the rest of the course, the users have to register and pay the amount. So if you are interested in learning JavaScript you can view the first few videos of the course for free and then subscribe for the remaining videos with money. The free course allows you to gain knowledge of the course and the method of teaching. 

How will this course help you to get a job?

Due to the continuous economic problems that companies are facing these days, it has become essential for people to learn various programming languages and concepts in the software field to stay in their position. Most of the companies have been facing recession and they have been eliminating some of their workers in low positions to survive and cut down the costs. To improve your positions in the company and keep you in the current position, it is essential to learn new programming languages including JavaScript. 

Nearly 95 percent of the software jobs posted in the online mediums like glassdoors and indeed require JavaScript proficiency as a qualification. So learning this language will allow you to gain a job in most of the software companies. 

What Job roles can you apply after completing the course?

After the completion of this course, you will be well versed in the field of interactive website designing and gaming controls. The job opportunities for JavaScript experts have been increasing during the past few years. Nearly 90 percent of the job opportunities published in online website portals require JavaScript as a basic requirement from the applicants. After completing the JavaScript course you can obtain the following mentioned jobs, 

Freelance designer – With proper knowledge in Javascript and HTML you can create your own interactive websites that are unique. So you can work as a freelancer from home offering your services to various clients. 

Front end web developer – This involves building the user viewing a part of the website. This also includes the pages loading on the website and the I traction happening with the users. 

Web application developer – This includes creating applications that have constant interactions with the users.  Some of the applications include online shopping portals with carts, Excel spreadsheet-based websites, email, scanning programs, and some editors like video and photo editors. 

Full-stack developer and quality assurance automation specialist – These people work on both the front and back end of the websites and also perform software testing. 

Web marketing managers – They are specialists who create and market a digital website and it’s content along with it. The managers are sometimes helped by web marketing design specialists who also have proper knowledge in JavaScript and they help the web marketing managers in creating proper digital campaigns for marketing the website. 

Software/website testers – People with good knowledge of JavaScript can easily determine the bugs in the coding and alter them. With the help of a  proper JavaScript code, thousands of websites can be checked for errors within a short span of time. So they are also used as testers. So once learned the client can use this course for obtaining a job as both the developer and tester. 

Why should we enroll in the paid version?

Some people think that the paid version is more than enough, but it’s not. The paid version contains the advanced part of the course and learning this advanced part will allow you to become a certified JavaScript expert with proper knowledge. Completing this course will allow you to gain multiple jobs in various companies. The videos are available for you during any time of the day and hence you can learn them whenever you are free without any obligation. So availing a paid version is comparatively better than the free version. As the elders said ‘ if you want to learn something, learn it completely’. This course is suitable for all types of people despite their knowledge of software and coding.  So stop thinking and enroll yourself for the paid version to experience the best courses available. 

Few Bundle Courses Which We Offer To Knowledge Seekers


Available Courses

Indian Students Buy Link

Total Lectures



25 Courses in 1 Bundle

Oops, C, C++, Java, Python, Software Design Patterns, Html, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, Django, Selenium, MySql, Kotlin, Unity, Android, React.js, Node.js, Ruby, Rail, PHP, Mongo DB, React Native, Quants, English Grammar



All Lectures that are available in the specified Individual Courses (Oops, C, C++, Java, Python, Software Design Patterns, Html, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, Django, Selenium, MySql, Kotlin, Unity, Android, React.js, Node.js, Ruby, Rail, PHP, Mongo DB, React Native, Quants, English Grammar) are Covered in this bulk course.

12 Courses in 1 Bundle

Oops, C, C++, Java, Python, Software Design Patterns, Html, JavaScript, Selenium, MySQL, Kotlin, Android



All Lectures that are available in the specified Individual Courses (Oops, C, C++, Java, Python, Software Design Patterns, Html, JavaScript, Selenium, MySQL, Kotlin, Android) are Covered in this bulk course.

Front End Development Bundle




All Lectures that are available in the specified Individual Courses (Html, HTML+, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js) are Covered in this bulk course.

Back End Development Bundle




All Lectures that are available in the specified Individual Courses (C, C++, Java, Python, Django, MySql, PHP) are Covered in this bulk course.

Software Interview Bundle


Quants ,
English Grammar



All Lectures that are available in the specified Individual Courses (Oops, C, C++, Java, Python, Quants, English Grammar) are Covered in this bulk course.

Few Individual Courses Which We Offer To Knowledge Seekers



Buy Link

Course Duration

( Hours )





(Not Recognized)

Oops In Tamil



Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Paradigm, Etc.


Android In Tamil



Basics, Bars, Views, Menus, SQLite DB, Etc.


Java In Tamil



Exceptions, Collections, Multithreading, File Handling Generics, Etc.


Python In Tamil



File Operations, SQLite, Regex, Decorator, Map&Zip, Etc.


C In Tamil



Enum, Functions, Storage, Unions, Bit Feilds, Etc.


C++ In Tamil



Access Specifiers, Overloading, Exception Handling, Template, Multithreading Etc.


MySQL In Tamil



Data Types, Normalization, Joints, Views, Index, Sub queries, Clauses, Etc.


HTML In Tamil



Entity, Id & Classes, Forms, Frame & iFrame, Navigation Bar, Layout, Etc.


HTML5 In Tamil




CSS In Tamil



Selectors, Model, Float, Grid, Web, Advanced Concepts, Etc.


JavaScript In Tamil



Functions, Object Models, DOM, Forms, Events, Cookies, Storage, Etc.


React.Js In Tamil



Redux, Router, Hooks, Realtime Projects - 3, Etc.


Node.Js In Tamil



Express, Postman, Mangoose, Promise, Async Wait, Etc.


PHP In Tamil



Regex, Form Handling, PHP File, Super Globals, Cookies and Sessions Etc.


Django In Tamil



Sheel, View, Routing, CSRF Token, Form Model, Validation, Etc.


Selenium In Tamil



Synchronization, IFrame, Robot API, JXL, JUnit, Apache Ant, Apache Maven, Etc.


Kotlin In Tamil



Functions, Collections, Data Binding, Constructors, Lambda, Progress Bar, Etc.


Ruby In Tamil



Game Development, Encapsulation, Methids, Blocks, File Handling, Hashing, Etc.


Rail In Tamil



Insertion, Updation, Delete, Search, Validation, Partials, Ajax, Etc,


Software Design Patterns In Tamil



Creational Design Patterns, Structured Design Patterns, Behavioral Design Patterns Etc.


React Native In Tamil


Flutter in Tamil

Angular.js in Tamil

Quants In Tamil



Profit & Loss, Volume & Surface, Ratio Proportions, Mixtures & Allegations, Piples &Cisternis, Etc.


Logical Reasoning in Tamil

English Grammer In tamil



Past Persent & future tense, Direct & Indirect Speech,  Active & Passive Voice, Conditional Clause, Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Etc.
