Android Course in Tamil

Looking forward to develop your career choices by learning new courses? Then our Android App development course in Tamil can be of use to you.

தமிழில் Android App Development கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள்

Android is becoming one of the greatest operating systems in the world, supporting nearly 90 percent of the mobile phones. Android along with its applications have been creating a huge change in the mobile world and they have been upgrading with every passing year. From basic social website applications to banking applications every application requires the service of an Android developer. Android developer’s work is not to simply create an application and submit, it also involves continuous upgrading of the Android application every now and then and also to maintain the database of the application. So this Android application development can be an ongoing job for many and with proper knowledge about the software you can also create your application and learn through it. 

There are multiple android applications in google play store and other platforms. This course teaches you to build a user-friendly application that can attract clients and also meet their requirements. This course can be applied by anyone. It is simple and easy to learn. Anyone can learn this Android development course even if you do not have any prior knowledge on programming and other computer-based internal technicalities. All it requires is basic computer knowledge with an internet connection. The course is present in Tamil to allow the people to understand the process properly in their own mother tongue. 

What Skills you will learn in this course?

Android is a basic operating system that has been created by making certain modifications in Linux. So before learning about application development, it is essential for the users to learn about the software and its origin. The initial tutorials of the course will provide you with those details. The Android software-based applications can be easily developed using the software available for this purpose. Using the programming languages like Java and C language. Even though it is impossible for a person to learn this without proper training it is not essential to have prior knowledge of this software before starting this course. Anyone can apply for this course despite their knowledge of programming languages. Most of the programs are inbuilt and the user can easily build an application just making modifications according to their requirement. 

The course provides a detailed description of each and every single function required to build an application like a checkbox, button, creating a screen, OTP function authentication, etc… Along with it, there are other techniques and lessons on Android application development and maintenance. This course offers nearly 25-30 hours of online tutorials. Users can log in any time and start learning from the videos. The course does not have any time restrictions. 

What will you learn in this course?

This course allows you to learn in detail about the development and the basic principles of Android application development. The Android software is based upon languages like Java and C language. But this course allows you to learn and create an Android application even without the knowledge of these programming languages. This course provides a detailed description of the basics of this course including its history and the working process of the application. It provides a step by step guide throughout the entire course from software installation to application completion. This course will allow you to learn everything about Android and the application developed based on Android in Tamil. Also, the tutorials are designed in such a way that it allows you to develop an application on the side by listening to the online classes. 

What you get in this course?

  • 25+ Hours Android Course Videos in Tamil.
  • No advertisement.
  • 1 Year Access for the course

How will this course help you to get a job?

Whether you are a person with no basic knowledge on Android or one with intermediate knowledge it really doesn’t matter. Because at the end of this course you will be a pro in the development of Android-based applications. Along with Android application development, this course also provides you with an idea of programming languages like Java and other basic coding techniques. Knowing how to develop an Android application will allow you to become a software developer in various mobile-based companies. Android is the latest trend in the software industry. Learning this software will allow you to land a job anywhere and you can also work as a freelancer by developing your own applications and selling them online. The applications like Watsapp and Instagram were just a basic application when they were created. But now they have developed into a massive application with constant upgrades every few months. 

What Job roles can you apply after completing the course?

After the completion of this course, the student or client can work as a software developer in any of the software companies. Now every software that is created to be used in windows is also used in Android. So every software is built to be compatible with Windows is also rebuilt to be used in Android. So, as a result, the job opportunities for Android application developers are limitless. If you are currently working on a job and looking forward to the promotion then learning this course will be a stepping stone to your success. Also if you are looking forward to earning from home then this course will provide you with the essential knowledge to learn about Android and its applications. 

Course Content

  • Android SQLite Database Tutorial [Class – 31]
  • Android SQLite Database with SQLiteOpenHelper Tutorial [Class – 32]
  • Android Location Manager Tutorial [Class – 33]
  • Android SMS App Tutorial Part – 1 [Class – 34]
  • Android SMS App Tutorial Part – 2 [Class – 35]
  • Android Call Intent Tutorial [Class – 36]
  • Android Audio Manager Tutorial [Class – 37]
  • Android Auto Complete Text Tutorial [Class – 38]
  • Android Bluetooth Tutorial [Class – 39]
  • Android Media Player App Tutorial [Class – 40]
  • Android Clipboard Manager Tutorial [Class – 41]
  • Android Bottom Navigation Tutorial [Class – 42]
  • Android Navigation View Tutorial [Class – 43]
  • Android Text Input Tutorial [Class – 44]
  • Android Shared Preferences Tutorial [Class – 45]
  • Android Text Switcher Tutorial [Class – 46]
  • Android Image Switcher Tutorial [Class – 47]
  • Android Adaptive View Filter Tutorial [Class – 48]
  • Android Simple Notification Tutorial [Class – 49]
  • Android Big Text Style Notification Tutorial [Class – 50]
  • Android Picture Text Style Notification Tutorial [Class – 51]
  • Android Inbox Style Notification Tutorial [Class – 52]
  • Android Bottom Sheet Behaviour Tutorial [Class – 53]
  • Android Snack Bar Tutorial [Class – 54]
  • Android Tab Layout Tutorial [Class – 55]
  • Introduction to Google Firebase [Class – 57] (Promo Video  Free On YouTube)
  • How To Connect Android APP To Google Firebase? [Class – 58]
  • How To Authenticate Using Email? Part – 1 [Class – 59]
  • How To Authenticate Using Email? Signup Functionality Part – 2 [Class – 60]
  • How To Authenticate Using Email? Login Functionality Part – 3 [Class – 61]
  • How To Authenticate Using Email? Part – 4 [Class – 62]
  • How To Authenticate Using Email? Part – 5 [Class – 63]
  • Phone Number OTP Authentication using Firebase Part – 1 [Class – 64]
  • Phone Number OTP Authentication using Firebase Part – 2 [Class – 65]
  • Phone Number OTP Authentication using Firebase Part – 3 [Class – 66]
  • Google Firebase Realtime Database – Intro [Class – 67] (Promo Video  Free On YouTube)
  • Simple write in Realtime database [Class – 68]
  • Real Time DataBase Reference Listner [Class – 69]
  • Real Time DataBase Child Reference [Class – 70]
  • Real Time DataBase Push Function [Class – 71]
  • Real Time DataBase Write Map [Class – 72]
  • Real Time DataBase Read Map [Class – 73]
  • Real Time DataBase Simple Use Case Part – 1 [Class – 74]
  • Real Time DataBase Simple Use Case Part – 2 [Class – 75]
  • Real Time DataBase Simple Use Case Part – 3 [Class – 76]
  • Real Time DataBase Simple Use Case Part – 4 [Class – 77]
  • Real Time DataBase Simple Use Case Part – 5 [Class – 78]
  • Real Time DataBase Simple Use Case Part – 6 [Class – 79]
  • Real Time DataBase Simple Use Case Part – 7 [Class – 80]
  • Real Time DataBase Simple Use Case Part – 8 [Class – 81]
  • Introduction to FireStore [Class – 82] (Promo Video  Free On YouTube)
  • Simple Write Operation Using Map [Class – 83]
  • Simple Read Operation Using Map [Class – 84]
  • Simple Data Write Using User Defined Class [Class – 85]
  • Simple Data Read Using User Defined Class [Class – 86]
  • Firebase Firestore Simple Use Case – Part 1 [Class – 87]
  • Firebase Firestore Simple Use Case – Part 2 [Class – 88]
  • Firebase Firestore Simple Use Case – Part 3 [Class – 89]
  • Firebase Firestore Simple Use Case – Part 4 [Class – 90]
  • Firebase Firestore Simple Use Case – Part 5 [Class – 91]
  • Firebase Firestore Write Array [Class – 92]
  • Firebase Firestore Read Array [Class – 93]
  • Firebase Firestore Add New Element To Existing Array [Class – 94]
  • Firebase Firestore Delete Element From Existing Array [Class – 95]
  • Adding Map To Firestore [Class – 96]
  • Reading and Updaing Map in Firestore [Class – 97]
  • Queries Intro [Class – 98]
  • Queries Recycler – Getting Ready For Queries [Class – 99]
  • Simple Queries [Class – 100]
  • Android Firebase Storage Intro
  • Android Firebase Storage Loading Image From Memory
  • Android Firebase Storage Uploding Image To Storage
  • Adding Image Link And Name To Firebase Firestore database
  • Retrieving Images From Storage And Display In Recycler View
  • Android Fragment Part –1
  • Android Fragment Part – 2
  • Android Fragment Part – 3
  • Android Fragment Part – 4
  • Android Fragment Part – 5
  • Android Machine Learning Introduction
  • How To Recognize Text From Image
  • How To Recognize Text From Image
  • Bar Code Scanner Using Android App Part -1
  • Bar Code Scanner Using Android App Part -2
  • Face Detection Part – 1
  • Face Detection Part – 2
  • Image Labelling
  • Detection and Tracking Objects
  • Language Detection
  • Translate
  • Smart Reply
  • Creating Web View [Class – 1]
  • Loading Static Content [Class – 2]
  • Customizing Web View [Class – 3]
  • Horizontal Progress With Web Chrome [Class – 4]
  • Error Handling [Class – 5]
  • Firebase Notification [Class – 6]
  • Firebase Notification From Console [Class – 7]
  • How To Send Notifications From Cusom Admin Android App?
  • Exploring Google Play Console [Class – 9]
  • How To Upload On PlayStore? [Class – 10]

Our Basic Android Course (5 Hours) in Tamil is Free on YouTube

Play Video

What are available in the Free course?

This course offers you with video tutorials of 25- 30 hours. The tutorial is divided into three levels like basic, intermediate, and high level. The students can watch the first few videos that explain the basic structure and the history of the Android applications.  The entire basic level course is available for free and based upon the free course the users can enroll themselves into the intermediate and level courses. These paid courses provide a detailed description of how to create an application using Android software as an OS. The students can enroll only if they are satisfied with the basic free course. 

Why should I enroll in the paid version?

Even though the basic version provides you with a detailed description of the Android and its functions it would be beneficial if the user also learns how to develop the software which will allow them to score multiple jobs in the future. The course is simple and easy to understand in Tamil. So enrolling yourself will allow you to gain deep knowledge on the application and become an application developer in the future. So enroll yourselves immediately and get some exclusive offers.  

Few Bundle Courses Which We Offer To Knowledge Seekers


Available Courses

Indian Students Buy Link

Total Lectures



25 Courses in 1 Bundle

Oops, C, C++, Java, Python, Software Design Patterns, Html, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, Django, Selenium, MySql, Kotlin, Unity, Android, React.js, Node.js, Ruby, Rail, PHP, Mongo DB, React Native, Quants, English Grammar



All Lectures that are available in the specified Individual Courses (Oops, C, C++, Java, Python, Software Design Patterns, Html, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, Django, Selenium, MySql, Kotlin, Unity, Android, React.js, Node.js, Ruby, Rail, PHP, Mongo DB, React Native, Quants, English Grammar) are Covered in this bulk course.

12 Courses in 1 Bundle

Oops, C, C++, Java, Python, Software Design Patterns, Html, JavaScript, Selenium, MySQL, Kotlin, Android



All Lectures that are available in the specified Individual Courses (Oops, C, C++, Java, Python, Software Design Patterns, Html, JavaScript, Selenium, MySQL, Kotlin, Android) are Covered in this bulk course.

Front End Development Bundle




All Lectures that are available in the specified Individual Courses (Html, HTML+, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js) are Covered in this bulk course.

Back End Development Bundle




All Lectures that are available in the specified Individual Courses (C, C++, Java, Python, Django, MySql, PHP) are Covered in this bulk course.

Software Interview Bundle


Quants ,
English Grammar



All Lectures that are available in the specified Individual Courses (Oops, C, C++, Java, Python, Quants, English Grammar) are Covered in this bulk course.

Few Individual Courses Which We Offer To Knowledge Seekers



Buy Link

Course Duration

( Hours )





(Not Recognized)

Oops In Tamil



Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Paradigm, Etc.


Android In Tamil



Basics, Bars, Views, Menus, SQLite DB, Etc.


Java In Tamil



Exceptions, Collections, Multithreading, File Handling Generics, Etc.


Python In Tamil



File Operations, SQLite, Regex, Decorator, Map&Zip, Etc.


C In Tamil



Enum, Functions, Storage, Unions, Bit Feilds, Etc.


C++ In Tamil



Access Specifiers, Overloading, Exception Handling, Template, Multithreading Etc.


MySQL In Tamil



Data Types, Normalization, Joints, Views, Index, Sub queries, Clauses, Etc.


HTML In Tamil



Entity, Id & Classes, Forms, Frame & iFrame, Navigation Bar, Layout, Etc.


HTML5 In Tamil




CSS In Tamil



Selectors, Model, Float, Grid, Web, Advanced Concepts, Etc.


JavaScript In Tamil



Functions, Object Models, DOM, Forms, Events, Cookies, Storage, Etc.


React.Js In Tamil



Redux, Router, Hooks, Realtime Projects - 3, Etc.


Node.Js In Tamil



Express, Postman, Mangoose, Promise, Async Wait, Etc.


PHP In Tamil



Regex, Form Handling, PHP File, Super Globals, Cookies and Sessions Etc.


Django In Tamil



Sheel, View, Routing, CSRF Token, Form Model, Validation, Etc.


Selenium In Tamil



Synchronization, IFrame, Robot API, JXL, JUnit, Apache Ant, Apache Maven, Etc.


Kotlin In Tamil



Functions, Collections, Data Binding, Constructors, Lambda, Progress Bar, Etc.


Ruby In Tamil



Game Development, Encapsulation, Methids, Blocks, File Handling, Hashing, Etc.


Rail In Tamil



Insertion, Updation, Delete, Search, Validation, Partials, Ajax, Etc,


Software Design Patterns In Tamil



Creational Design Patterns, Structured Design Patterns, Behavioral Design Patterns Etc.


React Native In Tamil


Flutter in Tamil

Angular.js in Tamil

Quants In Tamil



Profit & Loss, Volume & Surface, Ratio Proportions, Mixtures & Allegations, Piples &Cisternis, Etc.


Logical Reasoning in Tamil

English Grammer In tamil



Past Persent & future tense, Direct & Indirect Speech,  Active & Passive Voice, Conditional Clause, Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Etc.
