If you are a teacher, you would have to teach your class early on about self-assessment. Chances are that most of the class will, in all likelihood, zone you out. And that’s why you must check out some of the self-assessment examples you can utilize for your class.
What makes these self-assessment examples stand out is the fact that they are highly creative and designed to stimulate the whole class. For one, you allow your students to assess themselves so they can review their performance in the class and, thereby, tell you about their performance.
At the least, such an assessment should give you a window into how your students feel about their performance and their strengths and weaknesses.
Emoji worksheet:
And it is one of the easiest ways to self-assess yourself. The emoji worksheet consists of your student selecting one of the three emojis to enable your students to review/assess their performance safely.
For example, your students must select one of the three emojis. They can opt for the beaming, happy face, indicating that they get it. Or they can choose the thinking face, indicating that they are not sure they get it.
Or they can select the crying face, indicating they need help. Allowing your students to assess themselves allows you to determine if the student requires more help or not,
Green, yellow, and Red:
You provide each student with green, yellow, and red cards. And as you teach the lesson to the class, the students can assess how well they have understood the lesson and the basic principles.
They can use these cards to indicate how well they understood the whole lesson. Using a green card indicates that they do not require any additional help and that they get it.
Using a yellow card, they need clarification about the covered principles and need additional help and guidance. And a red card indicates that they do not understand the whole lesson and need help urgently!
Self-assessment questions:
At the lesson’s start, ensure that you have crucial self-assessment questions listed on the side of the board. After completing your lesson, get your students to go through these questions and answer them.
Enabling your students to assess their performance as a ‘whole’ is critical for their overall performance, enabling them to list their weaknesses. The questions can vary from “did I meet the success criteria” to “Did I use all the resources provided to me.”
Exit slip/ Exit-ticket:
When gauging your students’ performance, the exit ticket is just what you need. It is about tasking the student with a couple of questions which should enable you to gauge their performance.
These questions must be based on the lesson just covered. They must be simple, direct, and to the point. These questions are designed to help you gauge if the student comprehended the lesson or if he requires additional help.
Networking for help:
Remember the cards students had to raise to indicate their level – from “do not require help’ to ‘need help. And this should allow you to segregate the students in your class into two groups.
Now, you can get those in the ‘do not need help’ category to network and help those in the latter group. And while it is your job to help your charges understand their lessons better, let the students network and help each other.
Get those who opted for the green card to help those in the red card category. Doing so should help boost your class performance as a whole.
Selfie and its importance:
Nope, not the selfie you are typically used to daily. But since you are asking your students to self-assess themselves, it would be a great idea to get them to take a selfie. By doing so, you can ensure that they are on track and understand the lesson.
The selfie you need to use is this, S – showed my work, E- explained my work, L- a lot of math vocabulary, F- found multiple solutions, I- I persevered through the problem, E – eliminated careless errors. That’s what the selfie is all about and a process that should enable your student to double-check their work before submission.
As you can see, self-assessment is a critical learning tool and one that all students (irrespective of their class or degree) need to participate in. Self-assessing your performance should enable the student to determine their strengths and weaknesses and to understand the lesson better.
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