It’s the dream of most aspiring graduates to land a job in a top-ranking bank, one that they can use to gain both experience and knowledge. While banks, in general, are very rigid when it comes to hiring new applicants, the fact remains that there is a set process that all applicants need to follow.
If you are keen to know more about how to get job in bank after graduation, then do read on. When it comes to landing a bank job, you would be required to meet certain criteria. For starters, you must be an Indian citizen at least 18 years of age. Apart from that, you must not have any criminal or nefarious background for obvious reasons.
And depending on the post that you are applying for, you may be required to sit for a banking examination. Do note that each bank has its due process where they would evaluate all the applicants. So make sure that you make a good first impression. Do check out the various points listed below.

● Check out the various options:
If you are wondering how to get job in bank after graduation, then the first thing you need to do is determine if the positions are currently available. Make sure you check the local papers as well as online job portals. Most of the banks would list their vacancies and their current requirements here.
Keep in mind that each bank would have certain criteria that all applicants are expected to fulfill. After which, they would have to go through a strenuous process, including appearing for the banking examination.
So while weighing the various career options, you may also want to do some individual research on each post. Find out just how labor-intensive it could be and whether it can indeed help you with your career in the banking sector.
● Eligibility criteria:
When applying for a bank job, each post is bound to carry its own set of criteria. You can always head over to the bank’s website, where their requirements for each available post would be listed.
But here’s a brief recap; If you are planning to apply for a clerical post, then there are a few requirements you would have to meet. Apart from being an Indian, you would also have to be a graduate and have passed your 12th grade with 60% marks.
These eligibility criteria may change, but for the moment, this is the least minimum requirement that you would have to meet. You would also have to apply for the banking exam and sit for the same. And the bank will assess your performance exam results and review your application. After it is complete, they will select you for the post.
● Resume counts:
When applying for the bank job, make sure that you fill in the required application and attach your resume along with a cover letter. In addition, specify which bank post you are applying for at the moment. And later on, based on your performance and availability, you will be assigned the same.
Make sure that you mention your career goals, your current desire to work in a bank, and what you hope to achieve. Remember, you are applying in a highly competitive field, and it’s but natural for a bank to receive lots of applications.
● The selection process:
Remember, when you are applying for a specific post or in general, you would be asked to take the banking exam. This exam is often conducted at certain times each year. You would be tested in the following – reasoning, Math, and quantitative aptitude.
You would be expected to score a certain percentile to land the job of your dreams; good luck.
It is how you go about applying for a bank job post-graduation and ensuring that you get selected for the same.
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