//C Program to reverse integer number using stack
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int rev_stack[10], rev_choice, rev_n, rev_top; void Take_input(); void rev_push(int); void push_digit(); void rev_pop(); void reverse_stk(int); int main() { int num; rev_top = -1; printf("\n Enter the size of stack, it should be less than 10 \n"); scanf("%d",&rev_n); printf("\n Reversing Integer Input Using STACK \n"); do { printf("\n1. Take Interger Input \n 2. Reverse Integer input\n 3. Exit \n "); printf("\n Show your choice : "); scanf("%d",&rev_choice); switch(rev_choice) { case 1: { printf("\n Input Integer Number : "); scanf("%d",&num); break; } case 2: { reverse_stk(num); break; } case 3: { printf("Terminating..."); exit(1); break; } default: { printf ("\nInvalid Choice\n"); } } } while(rev_choice!=4); return 0; } void rev_push(int num) { if(rev_top>=rev_n-1) { printf("\nSTACK OVERFLOW\n"); } else { rev_top++; rev_stack[rev_top] = num; } } void push_digit(int num) { for(;num!=0;) { rev_push(num % 10); num = num/10; } } void rev_pop() { rev_top--; } void reverse_stk(int num) { push_digit(num); int rev = 0; int rev_i = 1; while(rev_top>=0) { rev = rev + rev_stack[rev_top] * rev_i; rev_pop(); rev_i = rev_i * 10; } printf("%d", rev); }
Output: Enter the size of stack, it should be less than 10 5 Reversing Integer Input Using STACK 1. Take Integer Input 2. Reverse Integer input 3. Exit Show your choice : 1 Input Integer Number : 12345 1. Take Integer Input 2. Reverse Integer input 3. Exit Show your choice : 2 54321 1. Take Integer Input 2. Reverse Integer input 3. Exit Show your choice : 7 Invalid Choice 1. Take Integer Input 2. Reverse Integer input 3. Exit Show your choice : 3 Terminating...
Code Analysis: Stack is a data structure that can be implemented using arrays or linked lists. Stack is a LIFO (Last In First Out) data structure. Deleting an element from the stack takes O(1) time complexity if the element is at the top of the stack. If the element is to be deleted is last than it takes O(n) times to delete. In stack insertion and deletion can be done from one end only called TOP. Insertion operation in stack is called push operation and deleting an element from the stack is called pop operation. Push and Pop operations in arrays. push( ) // Named as void rev_push(int); in above code Step in push() Operation: First step is to check whether the stack is full or not. If it is found than stack is full then “Stack Overflow” message is displayed. If the stack is not full than new element is inserted into the stack, to insert a new element variable top (named as rev_top in the above code) is incremented. New element is inserted using the following the code: if(rev_top>=rev_n-1) { printf("\nSTACK OVERFLOW\n"); } else { rev_top++; rev_stack[rev_top] = num; } pop( ) // Named as void rev_pop(); in above code pop( ) operation is used to delete elements from the stack. First step is used to check whether the stack is empty. This is done using the value of TOP: If (rev_top =rev_n-1) { printf("\n STACK OVERFLOW \n"); } If the stack is not full than variable top is incremented and new element is inserted into the stack by following code: rev_top++; rev_stack[rev_top] = num; When this function is executed successfully an element is inserted into the stack and the program counter is returned back to method push-digit(num). . In push-digit(num) num(integer input given by user) is divided by 10 and the result is stored back to num. This is done using the following code: num = num/10; Since the code is placed within the for loop, terminating condition of for loop is checked if it is satisfied the loop terminated otherwise the code within loop is executed again. When this method gets executed successfully then program control is transferred back to void reverse-stk(int). In void reverse-stk(int) following operation takes place: Variable rev is declared as an integer and has been initialized to zero. Integer variable rev_i is declared as integer and initialized to 1. This function has while loop which is checked for stack non-empty condition by following code: while(rev_top>=0) When the condition is successfully executed then the stack top value is retrieved from the stack and multiplied by the value of rev_i. The value of rev_i gives a decimal base to the number. The result of this is added to variable rev. This is done by following code: rev = rev + rev_stack[rev_top] * rev_i; When this code is executed successfully function rev_pop(); is called rev_pop(); is called to decrement the value of variable top so that top points to the next element in the stack. This is done by executing the following the code: rev_top--; Next, variable rev_i is multiplied by 10 to give a decimal base to the number. This is done by executing the following the code: rev_i = rev_i * 10; When the code is successfully executed the integer number input given by the user is reversed and the result is printed. This is done by following code: printf("%d", rev) Click me to execute me !! //C Program to reverse number using for loop #include int main() { int rev_n, rev_Num = 0, rev_rem,rev_Orig_num=0; printf("Input integer number to reverse "); scanf("%d", &rev_n); rev_Orig_num = rev_n; for(; rev_n != 0;) { rev_rem = rev_n%10; rev_Num = rev_Num*10 + rev_rem; rev_n /= 10; } printf("Reversed Integer Number of %d is = %d",rev_Orig_num,rev_Num); return(0); } Output: Input integer number to reverse 1234 Reversed Integer Number of 1234 is = 4321 Code Analysis: The above code integer number is reversed using a for loop. Code analysis is as follows: This code uses 4 integer numbers declared as integers. This is done by following code: int rev_n, rev_Num = 0, rev_rem, rev_Orig_num=0; Integer input is taken from the user in variable rev_n by following code: printf("Input integer number to reverse "); scanf("%d", &rev_n); Variable rev_Orig_num is initialized to user input by executing following code: rev_Orig_num = rev_n; Next, for loop is executed to reverse the number. Within the for loop following code is executed: for loop has a condition which checks whether the number is turned to 0. This is done by following code: for(; rev_n != 0;) The given number undergoes modulo division to obtain the remainder. This is done by: rev_rem = rev_n%10; rev_rem is multiplied by 10 to give decimal base 10, the obtained number is added to rev_rem. The number again undergoes division by 10 to obtain a quotient and the result is stored in variable rev_n. This is done by following code: rev_n /= 10;
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