What Is The Virtual Assistant Job?

With the pandemic hitting us hard, it is but inevitable for the whole job scenario to change overnight, to meet the current challenges which often stem from government-issued regulations and a total lockdown in place. With the government set on enforcing these Coronavirus guidelines and general health precautions, most offices worldwide remain closed. And companies have no option but to go for more remote jobs and virtual assistant openings.

If you are wondering what is virtual assistant job, it is one where an employee is tasked to work remotely and to assist the company on several issues, from employee onboarding to soft skill training. While companies in general, had limited requirements for such virtual assistant jobs, it has since changed since most of the workforce is required to work from home for the time being.

If you are keen to know more about a particular company, you can always google “what is virtual assistant job” along with the company’s name and that should clue you in. The search results should make it clear, as to whether the company in question has any such requirements and the portal should even list the format for applying for one.

You must realize that virtual assistants come in all shapes and sizes, and naturally, one company’s requirements and responsibilities for a virtual assistant are bound to differ from the other. And that’s why it makes more sense to review the job description closely and even call up the company to clarify what responsibilities and tasks the virtual assistant would have to handle, daily.

What does a virtual assistant do?

When you get down to the details, you will find that the job of a virtual assistant is a tad hard to describe for the simple reason that a virtual assistant position does indeed differ from one company to the other. And the responsibilities will change as well. But in general virtual assistants can be executive assistants, administrative assistants, personal virtual assistants, and more.  

The General Responsibilities

  • Calendar and schedule organizer
  • Travel plan organizer
  • Arranging tickets and hotel stays
  • Organizing emails
  • Answering and responding to calls, and even directing them as needed
  • Taking careful notes, and recording all-important discussions for reference
  • Billing and accounting
  • Maintaining a client’s social media account, and updating it regularly

And since one of the predominant skills for any virtual assistant is online, it is essential that the person is good at typing and can converse, type in English. It is also essential that the person is more than skilled in English as it is the lingua franca where businesses are concerned.

How to get the job? 

If you have just finished graduating high school/college, and want to know how to become a virtual assistant, then you need to know that the bar is often not set too high as far as this post is concerned. If you had maintained an active online presence and had managed someone’s calendar or email for them, then you can include the same in as an experience. 

Just make sure that when you apply, you send in your application with a detailed CV as well as a cover letter and even call up HR, letting them know that you are interested in the position, and pointing out that you have the experience and the skills they are looking for. And make sure that you can back your claims up and that you are available to get started right away.